
Art: Janet Lia, AWE Studio, Seattle

When Grace
Sent me a mill
I asked her
Why she has not
Included the bill

She smiled
And said
This mill
Is without a bill

It will turn
And churn
For so much good
To be done

For so many
Mouths to feed
For so many
Dreams to fulfill

Hey, and she said
Don’t worry
About my bill

It will come to me
Paid back
When it will.

Kazi Ayaz Mahesar
Apr 17, 2022

#mysticsforpeace #mealsforreels #awestudio #easterbirthday



Kazi Ayaz Mahesar

Kazi Ayaz Mahesar is a mystic writer — a poet and an essayist, acclaimed for his stunning journeys into the unseen.